
I'm Dias Samarkanov

Web Developer & Mobile Aplication Developer

Hello! I'm Dias Samarkanov

I am a beginner Java Srcipt developer, I really want to become a junior, and soon a middle one, ready to study hard, easy to learn, stress-resistant and assiduous.

  • Age:
  • 23
  • Email:
  • diassamarkanov108@gmail.com
  • Skype:
  • diassamarkanov108@skype.com
  • Phone:
  • +77761135749
  • Adress:
  • Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan
  • Status:
  • Available

My Skills

I am a quick learner and specialize in multitude of skills required for Web Application Development and Product Design

  • HTML5 90%
  • CSS3 90%
  • JavaScript 70%
  • React 30%
  • English-A2 40%
  • VHDL 90%
  • VerilogHDL 50%
  • Photoshop 60%


Specialised Coursework

The Rolling Scopes School(2021-2021)

Js - frontend courses were taken and a lot of knowledge was gained, level - Junior.

Masters Degree

Kazakh Agrotechnical University(2020-2022)

Specialty:Communications and communication technology (M096), gpa: 3.8

Bechalors Degree

Kazakh Agrotechnical University(2016-2020)

Specialty: Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications. Thesis: Detecting and correcting errors in telecommunications GPA: 3.2

Code template

String.prototype.toJadenCase = function () {
    function capitalizeFirstEveryLetter(string) {
        return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
    return this.split(' ').map(capitalizeFirstEveryLetter).join(' ');

Contact Me

Let’s talk how I can help you!

If you like my work and you need my help then drop me a message using the contact form.

Or get in touch using my email, skype or my contact number.

See you!

  • Email:
  • diassamarkanov108@gmail.com
  • Skype:
  • diassamarkanov108@skype.com
  • Phone:
  • +77761135749